What is Cyberstalking and How To Protect Yourself?

Cyberstalking is a crime where the perpetrator uses electronic communication to harass or stalk a victim. The term was coined by Mary A. Madden and Andrea J. Baker in their 2003 paper “Cyberstalking and its impact on victims.”

Sometimes, we face problems online, but we aren’t sure what to do in this situation. If you’re one of them, then you’re at the right spot. After having read this information You will be able to understand the basics of Cyberstalking and how you can protect yourself.

What is cyberstalking online?

Cyberstalking is when someone uses technology to hurt you. They might use the Internet, email, or other electronic communication.

It’s against the law and there can be big problems if it happens. ‘Stalking’ means tracking down and watching someone or showing up at another location,”.

Who investigates cyberstalking?

Cyberstalking is the newest crime that police are trying to comprehend. Many times, the local police department will investigate cyberstalking cases. However, if the case crosses state lines or involves certain types of technology, then the FBI may become involved.

So, before they can do this, they need to know what cyberstalking is and who is affected by it. They also want people like you to come forward if you’ve been cyberstalked online.

Can you go to jail for cyberstalking?

Yes! Cyberstalking is against the law in most places. It’s all dependent on the laws in your particular state. However, you can be incarcerated for cyberstalking. This is among the most dangerous aspects of cyberstalking. It can ruin your life and you may go to jail for it.

Moreover, you have to pay special attention to who you talk to online and how much information you share. Do not disclose your identification number (PIN) or other account numbers. Especially if someone has asked for it in an unsolicited way.

How To Protect Yourself

How To Protect Yourself


If you’re victimized by cyberstalking, you must take steps to safeguard yourself. These are the steps:

Step 1: Recognize the stalkers.

It is the first thing to determine the stalkers. Make sure you have a clear idea about who they might be as well as where they are and what they are looking for. This can be difficult, but it is important to have as much information as possible. You may want to keep a journal of all the incidents, including the type of technology used.

Step 02: Block access.

You can do two things to try and stop cyberstalking: block access or get a restraining order.

Blocking access means getting rid of online accounts. Besides, you can block messages from being delivered, change your email address, and make other changes. It helps you to protect yourself from people who can contact you through electronic media. Get rid of any accounts that you know the cyberstalker has access to. Such as email and social networking.

Step 03: Get a restraining order.

You can also apply for a restraining order where you live or work. It would prevent your stalker from contacting you online or offline. It can be a difficult procedure, which is why you’ll need to consult with an attorney to discuss the laws of your state.

Step 04: File police report.

If nothing else works, you should file a police report. The only way the police will take stalkers seriously is if they see physical evidence of their crimes. If you have photos or screenshots of harassing messages, this could help the person get caught and stopped.

Step 05: Talk to your friends and family members.

If someone is cyberstalking you, they probably know a lot about you. Do not share any private information with them, such as passwords or PINs. Make sure that you talk to your friends and family members. You should share what is happening with you. So they can support you and help keep you safe.

How old are most cyberstalking victims?

Cyberstalking does not discriminate and anybody can be a victim. There are some trends about who is more likely to be cyberstalked. Women are often targeted because of their political views or sexual orientation.

Men are also seen as easy targets for cyberstalkers. They are looking for your personal information, passwords, and financial account numbers. It doesn’t matter who are or what gender you are. Anyone is a victim of cyberstalking.

Final word

Cyberstalking is a serious crime that can ruin your life. If you are a victim, take steps to protect yourself and get help from the police or other professionals. Be aware that you’re not on your own and there are others who can assist you. Before concluding the content I want to say,

  • You should be raising public awareness.
  • Report cybercrime to the police.
  • Protect your computer with updated security software and change your passwords regularly.

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